Department: Medicine
Immunology Focus area: Cancer Immunotherapy, synthetic cytokines, Bregs, mesenchymal stromal cells
Descriptive Title of Research: Modulating the immune response in cancer and autoimmune disease
Research Description: Dr. Galipeau has initiated and developed an NIH-funded research program in the study and use of mesenchymal stromal cells as an immunotherapy of catastrophic illnesses including cancer and immune disease. He is an internationally recognized expert in translational development of cell therapies and the sponsor of a series of FDA-sanctioned clinical trials examining the use of autologous marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for immune disorders, including Crohn’s disease and graft vs host disease. He has also developed the field of fusion engineered cytokines known as fusokines, as a novel pharmaceutical means of treating immune disorders and cancer. He is the director of the University of Wisconsin Advanced Cell Therapy Program whose mission is to develop personalized cell therapies for immune and malignant disorders and to promote and deploy first-in-human clinical trials of UW cell therapy innovations to improve outcomes for children and adults. Dr. Galipeau is the Chair of the ISCT MSC Committee and is a board certified Hematologist with an active clinical practice in consultative benign hematology.
Link to Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=(galipeau+j)+NOT+ottawa+NOT+toronto+NOT+australia
Graduate Program Affiliations: pending
Lab Website: pending