Name: Laura Knoll, PhD
Department: Medical Microbiology & Immunology
Immunology Focus area: Infectious Disease Immunology
Descriptive Title of Research: Immune response elicited during Toxoplasma chronic infection
Research Description: Our research centers on studying the host/pathogen interactions of the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma will form a life-long chronic infection in any warm-blooded animal it infects, including humans. We are particularly interested in the long-term immune response needed to maintain Toxoplasma in the chronic state of infection. My laboratory uses the latest technologies, including next generation sequencing and mass spectrometry, to uncover the host response necessary for the establishment and maintenance of chronic infection in animals. We then use biochemistry, molecular and cell biology to define the mechanism of the host response to infection persistence.
Link to Publications: https://medmicro.wisc.edu/people_faculty_profile.php?id=ljknoll&view=pubs
Graduate Program Affiliations: MDTP, CMB, Nutritional Sciences, CMP
Lab Website: https://medmicro.wisc.edu/people_faculty_profile.php?id=ljknoll&view=intro