Course Listings
The University of Wisconsin-Madison offers a broad range of courses that cover various aspects of immunology. Courses range from introductory courses covering some aspect of immunology as a part of a larger course to graduate level courses focused exclusively on advanced concepts and current topics in immunology. Below is a list of courses that have been offered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison over the past 5 years. To view a list of currently available courses please see the University of Wisconsin-Madison Course Search.
PATH 210 HIV: Sex, Society and Science Level: Elementary 2016 Fall
Cross Listed (PATH-BIO 210)
Course Description: HIV kills three million people per year, more than any other infectious disease. We will learn about the transmission, immunology, virology, vaccinology and societal impact of this virus. Six of the world’s leading HIV scientists will give guest lectures.
Pre-Reqs: HS biol crse. Open to all Undergrads
MM&I 301 Pathogenic Bacteriology 2016 Fall
Course Description: Lectures on medically important bacteria, emphasizing the process of pathogenesis and host/parasite interactions, as well as intervention strategies, immunity and genetics as they apply to the pathogens. Open to non-majors.
Pre-Reqs: MM&I 341 (or con reg), 2 sem intro biol w/lab or Biocore series 301-304; 1 sem org chem; or cons inst
MM&I 302 Medical Microbiology Laboratory Level: Intermediate 2014 Fall
Course Description: Lab covering procedures and aseptic techniques for isolation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses).
Pre-Reqs: 2 sem intro biol w/lab or Biocore series 301-304; prev or con reg in MM&I 301 or equiv
MM&I 341 Immunology Level: Intermediate 2017 Spring
Course Description: Lecture, discussion. An introduction to the immune response to infectious disease. Examines the role of the host in host-parasite relationships using select microbial agents or antigens to illustrate the nonspecific and specific mechanisms of host defenses. Includes study of the nonspecific inflammatory response, the nature of microbial antigens, current concepts of antibody and cell-mediated immune reactions to infectious agents and the principles underlying the development of vaccines.
Pre-Reqs: HS biol, chem, 1 sem of college biol; So st; to receive cr for both MM&I 341 & 528, MM&I 341 must be completed first
MM&I 350 Parasitology Level: Intermediate 2017 Spring
Course Description: The biology of water-borne, food-borne, soil-borne and vector-borne parasites of animals including humans. Parasites are explored in the context of transmission, associated disease, diagnosis and treatment options, and environmental, cultural and socioeconomic drivers of disease epidemiology.
MM&I 351 Parasitology Laboratory Level: Intermediate 2011 Spring
Course Description: Optional laboratory component of Zoology/Med Micro/AHABS 350. Emphasis on experiments involving live animal parasites, including: trematodes, tapeworms, gapeworms, hookworm, ascarids, trichina, filaria, trypanosomes, coccidia, and malaria.
Pre-Reqs: Zoology/MM&I/AHABS 350 or con reg
MM&I 410 Medical Mycology Level: Advanced 2015 Spring
Course Description: Lectures and discussions. Pathogenesis, molecular biology, host-parasite interactions, immunology, epidemiology, and diagnosis of systemic, subcutaneous, and superficial fungal infections.
Pre-Reqs: 2 sem intro biol w/lab or Biocore series 301-304; a crse in immunology or cons inst
MM&I 412 Medical Mycology Laboratory Level: Advanced 2011 Spring
Course Description: Laboratories and discussions on the ecology, sample collection, culture techniques and identification of medically important mycotic microorganisms. This is a companion lab to MM&I 410. Priority given to MM&I majors.
Pre-Reqs: MM&I 301 & 302 & con reg in MM&I 410
MM&I 460 Techniques in DNA Science for Microbiologists Level: Intermediate 2013 Summer
Course Description: Introduction to recombinant DNA techniques commonly used in prokaryotic research and clinical Microbiology laboratories. Topics include DNA isolation, agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction enzyme digestion of DNA, ligation, transformation, Southern blotting and PCR. Students are required to work independently.
Pre-Reqs: Junior standing, Chem 327 or Chem 329 or Chem 116, Microbiology lecture and lab, and consent of instructor
PATH-BIO 510 Veterinary Immunology 2016 Fall
Course Description: Current concepts in basic and clinical immunology with special emphasis on domesticated species and aspects of immunology important to students of veterinary medicine.
Pre-Reqs: Vet Med st, basic crse in microbiology, or cons inst
MM&I 528 Immunology Level: Intermediate 2016 Fall
Cross Listed (MICROBIO 528, PATH-BIO 528)
Course Description: Development and functions of immune response in animals; a comprehensive study of experimental humoral and cellular immunity.
Pre-Reqs: Two sem chem and one sem zoology or gen biology
MM&I 529 Immunology Laboratory Level: Intermediate 2011 Spring
Cross Listed (PATH-BIO 529)
Course Description: Selected techniques illustrating concepts of cellular and humoral immunity as a supplement to Immunology 528.
Pre-Reqs: Two sem of chem and one sem of zoology or gen biology. Jr or Sr st; cons inst
MM&I 554 Emerging Infectious Diseases and Bioterrorism Level: Advanced 2016 Fall
Course Description: Identification of analysis and solution of emerging infectious disease problems and the problems of bioterrorism.
Pre-Reqs: Proposed prerequisites and other requirements Completion of Biology 152 or Zoology 101 or Biocore 383 and MM&I 301 or Microbiology 101 or Microbiology 303; or Grad standing; or consent of instructor
MM&I 555 Vaccines: Practical Issues for a Global Society Level: Advanced 2017 Spring
Course Description: Considers innovative approaches to the development and use of vaccines in the past, today and in the future, including the public health impact and the economic, ethical and safety issues associated with vaccine development, licensing and use.
Pre-Reqs: Senior or Graduate standing; MM&I 341 or MM&I 528
MM&I 575 Cross-Listed Biology of Viruses Level: Advanced 2017 Spring
Course Description: Lecture-discussion. Broad coverage of animal virology taught at molecular level. Topics include virus structure, viral replication/lifecycle, aspects of pathogenesis and prevention.
Pre-Reqs: Biocore 301/302, or AP score of 4 or 5 and Zoology 151 or 152; or MM&I 301
MM&I 603 Clinical and Public Health Microbiology Level: Intermediate 2017 Spring
Course Description: Lecture-seminar sessions. Lectures (44) describe microorganisms of clinical and public health significance. Seminar sessions (14) discuss issues and controversies of specimen receiving and processing, bacteremia, serodiagnosis of infectious agents, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, laboratory management, and novel approaches to detect infectious agents.
Pre-Reqs: A course in microbiology
MM&I 655 Biology and Genetics of Fungi Level: Advanced 2016 Fall
Course Description: Fungal genetics, genomics, and physiology using plant pathogenic fungi and the genetic models Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa as model systems to explore the current knowledge of fungal genetics and plant/fungal interactions. Enrollment open to graduate students, but undergraduates welcome to contact instructor for permission. All students should have some prior coursework in genetics (such as GENETICS 466 or 467) and microbiology (such as MICROBIO 303). It is also recommended that students take PL PATH 300 & 332 prior to this course.
Pre-Reqs: Graduate or professional standing
MM& I 696 Critical Thinking in Medical Microbiology and Immunology Level: Advance 2016 Fall
Course Description: Students will present assigned research papers from journals for critical evaluation by the class. In addition, students will write critiques of each paper evaluating the paper’s introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections.
Pre-Reqs: MM&I 301 & 341, or cons inst
MM&I 704 Infectious Diseases of Human Beings Level: Advanced 2016 Fall
Course Description: Pathogenesis, clinical descriptions, and prevention. Primarily for Physician Assistant, Pharmacy, and Nursing students.
Pre-Reqs: A course in microbiology
MM&I 720 Advanced Immunology: Critical Thinking 2016 Fall
Course Description: Advanced course focusing on current questions in immunological research. Course explores immunology topics including genetic, cellular, and molecular features of immune system fundamental to regulation of immune responses. Course format: discussion of research articles and exposure to research seminars.
Pre-Reqs: MM&I/AHABS/Bact 528 or equiv
MED SC-M 733 Complementary Medicine: Implications for Clinical Practice 2017 Spring
Course Description: This elective course will cover the fundamentals of psychoneuroimmunology; meditation; traditional chinese medicine; botanical medicine; ayurveda; homeopathy; massage, therapeutic touch and reiki; chiropractic, osteopathic and cranial sacral therapy; art therapy; integration of complementary medicine into a mainstream practice.
Pre-Reqs: 1st or 2nd yr Med st
MM&I 740 Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis 2016 Fall
Course Description: Lecture-discussion. Host-pathogen relationships in microbial diseases. Entry level course for infectious diseases sequence (see Med Micro 760, 790).
Pre-Reqs: Cons inst, MM&I 301 or equiv & a course in immunology
MM&I 750 Host-Parasite Relationships in Vertebrate Viral Disease 2016 Spring
Course Description: Lecture. Detailed study of the pathogenesis of vertebrate viral disease, stressing viral invasion, dissemination, mechanisms of disease production and resistance, and transmission.
Pre-Reqs: Oncol/Microbio 640 or Path-Bio 513; and Microbio/MM&I/Path-Bio 528; or consent of instructor
MM&I 755 Foundations of Medicine 2 2016 Fall
Course Description: Addresses the basic principles of medical microbiology and the infectious diseases involving the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal and dermatologic systems and related any-microbial therapies.
Pre-Reqs: Standing as med 2 student (completion of year 1 Medical School curriculum)
MM&I 773 Eukaryotic Microbial Pathogenesis 2012 Spring
Course Description: An advanced course focusing on the molecular, cellular and biochemical mechanisms found in fungal and protozoan pathogens of humans. A combination of lectures and student presentations will be employed.
Pre-Reqs: Cons inst. MM&I 740 & Path 750 recommended
MM&I 790 Immunology of Infectious Disease 2015 Spring
Cross Listed (MICROBIO 790, PATH-BIO 790)
Course Description: Immunobiology and immunogenetics of resistance to infectious disease agents of man and animals; immunoregulatory mechanisms associated with evasion of host immunity.
Pre-Reqs: MM&I 720 or equiv, MM&I 740 or equiv, & cons inst
POP HLTH 801 Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases 2017 Spring
Course Description: Introduces basic methods to studying the epidemiology of infectious diseases and reviews infectious diseases of major public health importance. Covers the basics of microbiology, immunology, and laboratory-based methods and the principles of disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, mathematical models of disease transmission, and prevention strategies. The etiology, epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of ancient, modern, and emerging infectious diseases will be examined.
Pre-Reqs: Pop Hlth 797; or cons inst
PATH 807 Immunopathology: The Immune System in Health and Disease 2018 Spring
Course Description: Gain fundamental knowledge of immunopathology and molecular immunology medicine, and have an in-depth research experience that combines pathobiological and translational immunology research.
Pre-Reqs: None
PATH 809 Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2017 Spring
Course Description: Focuses on molecular mechanisms of diseases. Course will focus on four modules: Neuroscience, cancer biology, growth factor/matrix biology, and immunology. Course will consist of a one hour lecture and a one hour group discussion.
Pre-Reqs: Path 750 & 803
MM&I 810 Current Issues in Microbiology 2016 Fall
Course Description: Required course for first-year Ph.D. graduate students in the Microbiology Doctoral Training Program (MDTP); combines faculty lectures, review of primary literature, student presentations, and small group discussions to explore the diversity of scientific topics comprising the field of contemporary microbiology.
Pre-Reqs: 1st yr st in Microbiol Doctoral Training Progm